보이스 쓰레드 작성법 - How to Create VoiceThread

이 포스팅은 보이스 쓰레드(VoiceThread) 사용법에 관한 것입니다.
보이스 쓰레드는 클라우드 테크놀로지 사이트로써 사용자들이 목소리를 편리하게 녹음하고, 편집하고, 공유할 수 있습니다. 언어 교육에 관하여 선생님들은 이 사이트를 통해 보다 효율적이고 효과적인 말하기 평가를 수행할 수 있을 것입니다. 또한 보이스 쓰레드는 말하기 평가의 구성타당도 측면에서, 브라운(2010)이 역설한 다섯 가지 말하기 평가요소 (imitative, intensive, responsive, interactive, and extensive speaking)를 모두 평가하는 데 적합한 애플리케이션이 될 것입니다. 자세한 사용법은 아래에 기술된 절차를 참고하시기 바랍니다.

This posting is about how to create a voicethread project at voicethread.com.
VoiceThread is a cloud-based technology that helps users to create, edit, and share voices.
My suggestion for language educators is that teachers can use this application as an speaking assessment tool. With regard to construct-validity of language assessment (Brown, 2010), the scopes of speaking proficiency that VoiceThread can be used for are imitative, intensive, responsive, interactive, and extensive speaking (Brown). Details will be followed.

Brown, H.D. & Abeywickrama, P. (2010). Language assessment: Principles and classroom practices.                White Plains, NY: Pearson Education.

VoiceThread (VT)  활용한 한국어 말하기 평가 제작 방법
(How to Assess Speaking Skills using VoiceThread (VT)

김태웅 (Taewoong John Kim)

1. 무료 가입 (Sign up for Free)

. voicethread.com  접속 à Register 클릭 (오른쪽 ).
     Go to voicethread.com --> click "Register" (top right)

정보 입력 (Input your info) 

2. VoiceThread 제작 (Making VoiceThread Projects)

문제지 작성 (MS-PPT, Word  다양한 프로그램 사용 가능)
A.  Making your prompt sheets (MS-PPT, Word or other tools can work)

* 사용법에서는 PPT 예시로 사용함. (In this manual, I use PPT.)
아래와 같이 간단한 지시문 파일을 작성함. (Okay, creata a simple PPT prompt sheet like below.)

 지시문 파일 업로드 
B. Upload your prompt

-       본인의 VoiceThread 메뉴에서 “Create” 클릭 à “Upload” 클릭.
-   Go back to your VoiceThread homepage. Login. Click Create. --> Click "Upload"

-        컴퓨터에 저장한 위의 지시문 파일을 선택/업로드.
-   Select your PPT file saved in your local device.

-       업로드된 파일을 확인.
-   See your file being processed.

선생님 목소리 지시 녹음: Comment 클릭.
- Record your aural prompt: Click "comment"

-       오른쪽에 나온 comment 버튼 클릭 à record 버튼 클릭.
-   Click "record"

-       Allow 클릭
-   Click "Allow"

-       선생님 목소리 녹음 (비다삐다피다).
-   Record your voice (e.g., B,  BB,   P)

-       선생님 목소리 확인  마음에 들면 Save 클릭.
(마음에  들면 Cancel 클릭  재녹음)

- VT will play your recording back to you immediately. Listen to it and save it if you like it. 
  (If you don't like it, you can click cancel and record it again).

-       Save  클릭하면 좌측에 선생님의 아이콘이 뜨는 것을 확인.
목소리가  녹음 되었는지 확인.

When you click the save icon, then your photo (or ID) will pop up on your left.
Listen to your recording.

3. 학생에게 공유 (Share it with your student)

. Share 클릭 à Get a Link 클릭
A.  Click "Share" --> Click "Get a Link"

-       Copy the Link 클릭
- Click "Copy the Link"

-        Copy 되었다는 메시지 확인
- Check the message saying "Your link has been copied!"

학생들에게 이메일 보내기이메일 창에서 Cntrl + V  링크를 넣고 보냄.
- Email the link to your students: simply push "contrl+V" 

l  복사된 링크 (example link): https://voicethread.com/share/5893853/

-        링크로 접속할  학생들이 보게 되는 모습은 아래와 같음.
-       학생들은 comment 버튼을 클릭하여 목소리를 녹음할  있음. (가입 필요)

- Below is what your students will see when they click the link.
- Student san make comments by clicking the "comment" button like what you did. (Sign up is necessary).

4. 평가  첨삭 (Assessment and Feedback)
학생들이 녹음한 자료를 듣고 평가.
- Record 또는 Type  클릭하여 첨삭의견을   있음.

- You can listen to your students' voices and assess them.
- You can give them feedback in both aural and textual ways by clicking "record" and "type."

5. 실습 (Practice)
다음 링크로 들어가서 답목소리를 달아보세요. (https://voicethread.com/share/5893853/)
자체 시험세트를 만든  저에게 링크를 보내주세요. (tw0622@gmail.com)
- Go ahead click this link and make a comment. (https://voicethread.com/share/5893853/)
- Make you own VT projects and email me. (tw0622@gmail.com)

감사합니다. (Thank you!)


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