
Showing posts from December, 2013

Jazz Chants - Stimulating Musical Intelligence

         Jazz Chants, invented by Carolyn Graham, is a pedagogical method using rhythms and beats to effectively teach English. For example, you can put the line "Have a good weekend. Thanks, you too" in four beats (find the moment of 3:12 at the Youtube video linked below). According to Patricia et al. (2010), Jazz Chants expose students to natural intonation patterns, idiomatic expression, and common rituals of everyday life. Also, it can make students engaged in sound of the target language in fun, authentic, and effective ways because it stimulates not only verbal-lingual intelligence but also musical one as well. Wanna know more about the method? Please click the link below. :) Jazz Chants

Video Makes Classes Fun!

            Have you ever have any students who feel sleepy in your classes? A traditional way in the classroom, e.g., using a textbook only, may cause them to be sleepy because it stimulates just one or two intelligences including verbal-lingual one. However, using a video clip can make your classes more energetic, interactive, and motivational because it can stimulate multiple intelligences that include musical, visual, and audio-lingual. Therefore, how about using educational video clips in your classroom?

Reflection about Technology in the Classroom Class Fall 2013

            Technology has been making our lives easy, effective, and fun in many ways. In education, inventing the pencil and paper was revolutionary technology because they have enabled us to write and store knowledge in effective manners in comparison to people who carved letters on walls and stones. Nowadays, we are surrounded by abundant technologies with the advent of personal computers, smartphones, and tablet computers. With this sense, the Technology in the Classroom course has (1) taught me various knowledge and ideas about how to apply technology in education, (2) provided me opportunities to learn various topics by myself that the course did not cover, and (3) motivated me to keep moving toward technology in the education field from now on.             First, the course has taught me how to apply various applications in the classroom, broaden my horizon about the field and related issues, and engaged me to e...

2 Technology Sites Teachers should Know

       This posting discusses 2 technology-based organizations that teachers and teacher candidates need to know for their professional development in education: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and Oklahoma Technology Association (OTA). (1) International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) The ISTE is an association with people who are interested in technology and education in the world. Educators can be benefited from the site in terms of being updated with current trends, networking with various members, acquiring articles for free, taking professional webinars, taking related podcasts, and receiving discounts on using resources that charge you to use. For example, the association has 19,263 members (based on 2012-2013 annual report) that consists of 1,827 international members and 55 corporate members. Also, there are three journals such as Journal of Research on Technology in Education, Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher E...

3 Must-Know Sites for Teachers: Edmodo, iCivics, & National Geographic Kids

             This posting introduces three web sites that teachers should know and use in order to carry out effective and efficient learning: Edmodo, iCivics, and National Geographic Kids. (1) Edmodo ( ) Edmodo is a classroom management site that offers teachers ways to create groups in which teachers can invite students, post discussion topics, upload assignments, implement polls, and post alerts. These features can enable teachers and students to form an effective learning community. On top of these in-class managing services, Edmodo has various interests groups in which teachers are encouraged to share ideas, resources, and materials via communicating with other teachers. For example, I am a member of an interest group called "Language Arts," which means all of the messages the group members post are automatically alerted to me. In order to effectively manage classes and share critical ideas, teachers should know and u...

PuppetPals & FlipBoard: Bloom’s Taxonomy in iPad Apps

With the advent of the iPad, we are surrounded by abundant applications that we can utilize for educational purposes. This blog posting researches two iPad applications, PuppetPals and FlipBoard, in terms of how the two can contribute to learners’ cognitive development based on the Bloom’s Taxonomy. First, PuppetPals can be categorized into the “Creating” domain, the highest-order thinking domain, because it promotes learners’ creating ability.  As Sandvik et al. (2012) have pointed out, PuppetPals is an open-ended application that challenges learners to actively and authentically create narrative movies. The students can create plots, characters, and lines just as movie directors do. This application, therefore, can give a strong ownership to learners, which will effectively motivate students and facilitate learners’ higher-order thinking. Second, the Flipboard can fall into the “Evaluating” domain because it enables users to create their own magazine by adding, deleting, and o...

[Analysis] Video Games and the Classroom by Morgann (2013)

People like a game because it is fun, engaging, and motivational. This post analyzes a research paper about how educators can apply video games in the classroom. Generally speaking, it is a common thought that video games negatively affect students' academic achievements. However, the author argues that using video games can include more benefits than we think by pointing out four positive aspects that may contribute to longer attention span, higher cognitive abilities, better socializing, and a healthier body. On the other hand, she also addressed a couple of negative aspects that include the effects from violent games and the possibility of addictive and antisocial behaviors. However, studies showed that students who like video games prefer outdoor activities over the video games (Rosas et al., 2003, Aguilera & Mendiz, 2003). Also, 75% of teens said that video games play an important role in socialization (Vlasak & Ranaldo, 2012). On top of those rationale that support...

Scratch by MIT

What is the Scratch?  Scratch is a web site operated by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that can enable teachers to help learners understand computer programs in fun and easy ways. It is a totally free site that provides users with open-ended opportunities to create any programs they want to make. How to use it? First, you can go to the homepage by typing in the web address in any internet browser: . On the homepage, you can click "try it out" to experience all of the functions that Scratch provides.  In the project editing windows, you can easily create a program logic that commands the character (the yellow cat) to move. For example, I added "when green flag clicked," "move 10 steps," and "say Hello! for 2secs" by dragging the three blocks into the logic box on the right side. Then, when you click the green flag, you can see the yellow cat follows the commands b...