Scratch by MIT

What is the Scratch? 

Scratch is a web site operated by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that can enable teachers to help learners understand computer programs in fun and easy ways. It is a totally free site that provides users with open-ended opportunities to create any programs they want to make.

How to use it?

First, you can go to the homepage by typing in the web address in any internet browser:

On the homepage, you can click "try it out" to experience all of the functions that Scratch provides. 

In the project editing windows, you can easily create a program logic that commands the character (the yellow cat) to move. For example, I added "when green flag clicked," "move 10 steps," and "say Hello! for 2secs" by dragging the three blocks into the logic box on the right side.

Then, when you click the green flag, you can see the yellow cat follows the commands by walking 10 steps and saying "Hello!"


This is a wonderful site to teach students how a program logic is composed, the relationship between codes and what they see as a result, and knowledge about math (it uses X-Y dimensional values to show the object's position). I am not a technology teacher, however, as a language teacher, I think I can use this site with my students for numerous reasons. 

First, it provides various functions that enable learners to create:

  (1) Characters
  (2) Motions
  (3) Stories
  (4) Video games.

Therefore, students can learn:

  (1) Basic concepts of programming (connections between raw data and results)
  (2) Problem-solving skills
  (3) Basic math concepts (e.g., x.y. dimension in 4th squadron).

Also, as a language (English) learner, students can learn:
  (1) Vocabulary in an authentic way because it involves English terms such as: say, switch, and effect.


Lastly, there are free guides and video tutorials on the web site for users. 


How about using this site in your classroom while considering the advantages and challenges? I believe that your students will be motivated, have fun, and be creative. Thanks. :)

(1) Free to use
(2) Easy to use (not complex programming terms, but easy graphics to drag in/out)
(3) Fun to create
(4) Be motivated and engaged in the activity because of the ownership of their works
(5) Improve computer literacy in an authentic way

(1) It will be challenging for learners who do not have any computer skills
(2) Needs enough amounts of computers and labs



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