Classical Conditioning by Pavlov

This is a simple and easy-to-watch video for Pavlov's classical conditioning related to behaviorism. I remember that I saw a picture of a dog that a researcher put a tube in her stomach to check the dog's gastric juice when the dog hears a bell sound. Key words to remember are 

Unconditioned Stimulus (US): the food
Unconditioned Response (UR): salivation
Conditioned Stimulus (CS): the bell sound
Conditioned Responses (CR): salivation to the sound, not food (even under the food is gone)

Although I strongly support Vygotsky's critiques to Pavlov, this is a good video to watch to remind the Pavlov's classical conditioning. BTW, it is surprising to know that Pavlov is the Nobel Prize winner in 1904. Enjoy watching!


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